SOPE Career Center
Job Posting
As a service to the members of the Society of Pediatric Echocardiography, SOPE, is providing a listing of current job opportunities submitted by organizations offering positions in the healthcare field, specifically related to pediatric and adult congenital echocardiogtaphy.
The Society of Pediatric Echocardiography has no direct interest in the jobs posted or in the organizations which advertise the job opportunities. SOPE does not regulate or monitor the content of the individual posting. The content of all postings is provided by the organization offering the position. All postings must be for a specific job opportunity in conformance with the SOPE job posting guidelines.
Job Posting Guidelines
Organizations are invited to submit job openings on the SOPE website, www. Postings are free of charge to SOPE members. SOPE will only post positions that are relevant to our members and to the SOPE mission. Job postings on the SOPE website should represent a real and currently available job. Job postings must be made available to qualified candidates regardless of age, race, gender, and sexual orientation
SOPE does not monitor or regulate the content of job postings. Liability of the content is subject to the governing laws of the state of the organization which submitted the posting.
How to Post a Job on the SOPE Career Center
Job postings for SOPE members are free; members who wish to post openings within their institution are asked to email the job description, along with a link to detailed information, to Please allow 3 business days for the posting to be added to the SOPE Career Center.
Available Positions
Pediatric Cardiologist, Division of Pediatric Cardiology in the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford University​
Pediatric/Congenital Cardiovascular Sonographer- Mount Sinai Hospital - Monday- Friday 9am-5pm
The Heart Institute (HI) at Cincinnati Children's is actively seeking applications for multiple imaging faculty positions at the assistant, associate, or professor level.
Lead Sonographer, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford
​The details of the position are in the attached PDF document. Please reach out to Kelly Thorson ( or me if you are interested.​
Pediatric Echo Imaging Cardiologist, The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) and Albert Einstein School of Medicine
The Division of Pediatric Cardiology in the Department of Pediatrics at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) and Albert Einstein School of Medicine is seeking candidates to join our dynamic and growing faculty. CHAM is a quaternarycare, academic children’s hospital in New York City, serving thediverse patient population of the Bronx, Westchester County,and the Hudson Valley.
We are seeking a board certified/eligible pediatric cardiologist committed to a career in academic Pediatric Cardiology to join our growing and dynamic practice as Echo Imaging Attending. Our ideal candidate will be energetic, enthusiastic, and able to work effectively as part of a team. We are particularly interested in applicants with research experience and an interest in trainee education. The candidate must be an outstanding clinician dedicated to the care of hospitalized children and their families, and an excellent teacher of learners at all levels.
Candidates should preferably have completed an additional year of advanced imaging training and have experience with transesophageal and fetal echocardiograms, with the potential for opportunities in cross-sectional imaging for those with cross-sectional training. Professional responsibilities will include inpatient and outpatient cardiology services.
The Division of Pediatric Cardiology at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore is growing and consists of 8 pediatric cardiologists with specialist expertise in all subspecialty fields including: fetal cardiology, heart failure and transplant, pulmonary hypertension, cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology, cardiac intensive care, preventive cardiology, and adult congenital heart disease. The Division has an ACGME accredited pediatric cardiology fellowship program with four fellows and rotating residents. The Division has offices in the Bronx and Westchester and provides over 9,000 consultation and follow-up visits to children and 400 adult congenital heart disease visits per year in the region. All members of the Division have faculty appointments at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, a major biomedical and clinical research facility. The Bronx is an eclectic community with excellent cuisine, a world-renowned zoo, a botanical garden, and is close to Westchester County, midtown Manhattan, and Northern NJ.
Applicants should submit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae to: Nicole Sutton, MD, FAAP, FACC, FSCAI, Chief of the Division of Pediatric Cardiology at
We are an equal opportunity employer. Candidates from under-represented, minority, or disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply.